Information Systems.
The Information Systems Study Program of UPH Medan Campus provides in-depth learning on how to design and build systems, and utilize data into information and assets for companies. Supported by lecturers who are practitioners in their fields, you will be equipped with various excellent courses including management, business, accounting, web and mobile programming, UI and UX Designer, technopreneurship, data science, and business intelligence in order for you to be an accelerated solution for companies.
The followings are the Information Systems Study Program area of specialization:
● Applied Artificial Intelligence and Business Analytics
● Digital Technology and Innovation
Graduate Profile.
A graduate who is:
- Able to conceptualize the tech products.
- Able to develop business processes of tech/digital services and products.
- Able to utilize targeted digital marketing platforms/applications to effectively market these services and product.
- Able to integrate knowledge of project management, web engineering, database management, data analysis, and decision support system.
- Able to develop web and mobile applications to meet the demands of the constantly evolving ICT.
What Will I Study.
You will learn things related to information systems, such as:
- Processing information data for business purposes
- Managing information systems within the company
- Create web and cellular programs
- Information system strategy planning
- Business application programming
*For courses details, you can check on the curriculum tab
What Will I Become.
Here are several career choices & prospective jobs for Information Systems graduates:
- Information Systems Analyst
- Information Systems (IS) Project Manager
- Data Analyst or Scientist
- Entrepreneur (Technopreneur)
- Database Manager
- User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) Developer
- Website and Mobile Application Developer
- Academic or Research Assistant in the field of Information Systems
To be a provider of higher education capable of being a partner and source of reference for industry and practitioners in developing information systems and contributing to improving the quality of society and science and having a balance in true knowledge, faith in Christ, and Godly Character.
- Organizing quality education by continuously following and contributing to the development of science, especially in the field of information systems.
- Improving the quality of research and partnerships to improve the quality of students and lecturers.
- Creating an academic atmosphere that can support the achievement of an ethical spirit that is ethical and moral, and spiritual life for the entire academic community.
- Provide a transformative impact for the development of a better quality of the surrounding community, nation and state.
It All Begins Here.
“I won’t be who I am with the skill sets that I've required right now if it’s not from meeting great lecturers & other students that are sincere to share their knowledge, also keep improving each other for better character development. I’m really grateful for choosing UPH as my stepping stone for learning spiritual & character development, also shaping my career journey”
Mario Yaputra
"Even though UPH was not my first choice when I wanted to start college, I never regretted my decision to choose UPH. UPH is a place where I really learned about how to organize, become a leader, work together in a team and also where I am. managed to gain connection sharing through activities on campus. Thanks to all these things, I feel I have become a new graduate who is really mature. Not a new graduate who is confused about finding a job, confused about what to do. Support from several lecturers at UPH One time became a time for me to go further. I am very grateful for all the opportunities I have had."
Roderick Samuel Halim
Study Plan
Study Plan.
1st semester | |
Courses | Credits |
Pendidikan Agama Kristen / Pendidikan Agama Dunia | 4 |
Kepemimpinan yang Melayani | 2 |
Pancasila | 2 |
Bahasa Indonesia | 2 |
Dasar Pemrograman | 3 |
Konsep Sistem Informasi | 2 |
Pengantar Teknologi Informasi | 3 |
Multi Media Interaktif | 2 |
2nd Semester | |
Courses | Credits |
Allah dan Ciptaan | 4 |
Kewarganegaraan | 2 |
Sistem Operasi | 3 |
Statistika dan Probabilitas | 3 |
Konsep Basis Data | 2 |
Sistem Basis Data | 2 |
UI/UX | 3 |
1st Acceleration | |
Courses | Credits |
Allah dan Dosa / Manusia dan Moralitas | 4 |
Matematika Diskrit | 3 |
Teknologi Keuangan | 2 |
3rd Semester | |
Courses | Credits |
Allah dan Ciptaan Baru | 4 |
Sistem Informasi Manajemen | 3 |
Pemrograman Berorientasi Objek | 3 |
Dasar Teknologi Web | 3 |
Kecerdasan Artifisial dan Sains Data Dasar | 3 |
Jaringan Komputer | 3 |
4th Semester | |
Courses | Credits |
Keamanan Siber | 3 |
Manajemen Proyek Sistem Informasi | 3 |
Analisis dan Perancangan Sistem Informasi | 4 |
Tata Kelola Teknologi Informasi | 3 |
Pemrograman Berbasis Web | 3 |
Transformasi Digital | 3 |
2nd Acceleration | |
Courses | Credits |
Bisnis Digital | 3 |
Pemrograman Aplikasi Bergerak | 3 |
Keamanan Sistem Informasi | 2 |
5th Semester | |
Courses | Credits |
Penalaran Reflektif | 2 |
Perencanaan Sumber Daya Perusahaan | 3 |
Pemasaran Digital | 3 |
Audit Sistem Informasi | 3 |
5th Semester (Applied Artificial Intelligence and Business Analytics) | |
Courses | Credits |
Penambangan Proses | 3 |
Kecerdasan Artifisial Untuk Bisnis | 3 |
Analitika Web dan Sosial Media | 3 |
5th Semester (Digital Tecnhology and Innovation) | |
Courses | Credits |
Teknologi Imersif | 3 |
Pemrograman IoT | 3 |
Pemrograman Aplikasi Bergerak Lanjut | 3 |
6th Semester | |
Courses | Credits |
Teks dan Konteks | 2 |
Metodologi Penelitian dan Penulisan Ilmiah | 3 |
Proyek Perangkat Lunak | 4 |
Pengujian Perangkat Lunak dan Jaminan Kualitas | 3 |
Etika Profesi dan Profesional | 2 |
6th Semester (Applied Artificial Intelligence and Business Analytics) | |
Courses | Credits |
Analitika Perilaku dan Tren | 3 |
Manajemen Data Besar | 3 |
6th Semester (Digital Technology and Innovation) | |
Courses | Credits |
Sistem Rekomendasi Bisnis | 3 |
Manajemen Risiko Teknologi Informasi | 3 |
3rd Acceleration | |
Courses | Credits |
Kerja Praktik (Magang) | 4 |
Tugas Akhir 1 | 2 |
7th Semester | |
Courses | Credits |
Tugas Akhir 2 | 4 |
Study Fee | |
Admission Fee + Learning Facilities, Uniform & Orientation | Rp42.000.000 |
Credit Fee / Credit | Rp275.000 |
Total Study Fee* | Rp81.600.000 |
*The price covers all admission fee and semester fee during normal study period according to valid curriculum. |
Our Facilities.
General Purpose Lab
Activity Gallery.
Lorem Ipsum.
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