UPH Medan Equips Students with Soft Skills During Online Learning Through 5 Events.

Continuing engagements with students during this pandemic season, UPH Medan proceeds with distance learning classes due to the social distancing regulation. However, this does not limit UPH Medan’s Student Life team to keep on serving the students by conducting whatever events that are usually done face-to-face in an online format.

The presence of the Student Life Department at UPH is very important to further shape student’s soft skills through the various choices of activities. These activities are expected to help develop students’ interests and talents as well as social attentiveness so that each student has refined social skills when they finally dive into the professional world.

Here are a few activities held by UPH Medan’s Student Life Department for students during their online classes:

  • Devotion

Amidst online classes, spiritual activities for students are still going, including small groups, student chapel, dan spiritual growth for students. Although it must be done online, activities for Spiritual Growth for Students’ council is also running. The council still holds a fellowship every Friday. This proves that UPH still encourages students to have a Christ-centered life, grow in faith, and be a witness by serving others.

  • Mentoring

Mentoring UPH is a process of guidance, assistance, and a building community especially formed for new students, led by mentors. For 2020/2021 period, UPH has chosen Chief Mentors and is now preparing recruitment for new mentors. In the upcoming period, UPH Medan is further developing the program to add meeting sessions between freshmen and their mentors, specified mentor briefings, as well as updating discussion materials.

  • Webinar & Alumni Talks

In order to stay connected and enlarge one’s perspective, Student Life alongside with the Student Executive Body (BEM-UPH) and Student Association UPH Medan holds web seminars (webinar) with alumni or professional guest speakers, including “Drive Your Passion Into Income” (June 18th 2020) Webinar, “How Financial Statement Affects the Investing Decision” (July 1st 2020) Webinar, and “Work Hacks for Millenials” (July 8th 2020) Webinar.

  • Service Learning

The process of learning is not only what students get from in-class education, but rather the application of their knowledge to the society through Service Learning activities. During the Covid-19 Pandemic, UPH Medan’s Student Executive Body (BEM-UPH) holds a student fundraising to help supply personal protective equipment (APD) needs for Covid-19 handling at Siloam Hospitals Medan as well as other social activities to further help Covid-19 affected parties.

  • Sports Activity

UPH has student activity units to cater to students’ interests in sports, including Basketball Club, Futsal Club, Badminton Club, as well as Pingpong Club. As of right now, each unit runs online home training activities, guided by each units’ coaches or club coordinators. Each member is encouraged

to record their activities and send their training videos to their club coordinators for archive purposes and social media content as well.

Here’s UPH Medan’s Basketball club online activity, done from home (click here). You can try it too if you’re interested!

Voilà, the programs held by UPH Medan during online learning. It is important for students to be equipped in order to thrive in all aspects. Each program is designed creatively and well prepared for students to participate in. Interesting, right? What about you? Let’s stay enthusiastic and productive during this #stayathome season!